06 September 2008

Saturday morning

I admit defeat! I now see that I am addicted to my laptop and I cannot, cannot, CANNOT write anything on our stand alone and only can scribble nonsenibly in my paper journal. And dear little laptop in still in the shop. Nothing awful -- viruses and broken speakers --it will be fixed by next week. We are waiting for parts. PARTS! And my literary soul flounders.


Julia ended the first week of school well. No one said, 'Wow, she does everything so much better,' like I wanted them to. The summer work we've done together doesn't seem to be creeping into the classroom. At least, not yet.

But she is putting more words to made up songs. She is beginning to spontaneously rhyme. She is also much more willing to hand spell at any time of day.

Cheshire is in a much better place. After wallowing in self-doubt for a little bit, she had taken control of her class. She is wondering what to do about the kids who are difficult, and finding out who knows what. She is supposed to be teaching in both Spanish and English, but she thinks she is going to have to just teach Spanish as a subject which is a bit of a waste of her abilities in Spanish. But she is forging ahead with a great spirit!

And I am still stenciling. Pictures next week.

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