17 February 2010


I had a strange dream last night that is haunting me today and I am very anxious today. I wish it would mean something, like a heart was there for David.

I have worked out for two days! Yes, if Cheshire was not here, I probably would not have done it two days in a row but maybe we can make it 3 and then maybe next week, I can make it 3 again. Even after 2 days I feel good, sore but good.

Julia ate breakfast and a little bit of lunch.

She is still making valentines which are pieces of paper with a decorated heart in the middle and surrounded completely and filling the entire rest of the half page with letters which are supposed to be words. I can find Mom and Dad and Julia sometimes in all those letters. She is "writing." Maybe we will get to some easy spelling soon.

I work with Julia as much as I can -- that is, when there is time on the weekdays and on the weekends usually without fail. We read, play with words, do sight words, and do pages out of a kindergarten workbook. Julia sometimes resists at first but falls into the work and does it willingly. I assume that she is working slower than her age peers. I think she is. I need to go over things more often and find more than one ways to teach her anything. She move slowly forward and she doesn't forget. Once some knowledge is in her head, it is there to stay. I even see this with sight words.

And when she loves something, like those wicki sticks, she wants to play and create for all of her time. It was nice to see today that with both me and Amy, Julia was able to transition from her creations to something that the grownup picked out. Transitioning is still hard at school many times but she gets better and better with it at home.

Ginny, one of her teachers, told me today that Julia doesn't want to do her work in the sensory room. She has done most of her serious work there since the beginning of the year. For a long time, it was the only place that was quiet enough for her to concentrate and focus. Now, Julia wants to stay at her table with Peyton and Kurt and do her work. She still gets loud at times or refuses to do the work and Ginny says that she only has to remind Julia that if she disturbs the other kids, she will have to leave the room. Julia complies. This is new.

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