02 September 2010

Julia got off to school and I've had a hard time getting anything started. My goals are simple. Clean the upstairs, shower, and do my LEND work. I did get an email from my Jersey realtor. We have a low offer on the house. If the buyer can get it up a bit, I will go for it. As is. No repairs. Maybe a credit on the electrical box. The remediation still has not occurred but hopefully within a month. All this means that I could be free of OZB estate work by late fall. Now, that would be a huge burden lifted off.

With this I should get my simple things off my list.

Julia and her teachers reported a good day yesterday. She needed help but was relatively compliant. They did a lot of practice of procedure and it was a short day. Julia could get to the rug, line up, and raise her hand. So, she could succeed at procedure. She was very happy the rest of the day.

At attachment therapy, Marilyn asked Julia to draw humans -- something she rarely does and usually refuses to do for Marilyn. She drew three girls in dresses, gave them names and dispositions, and then agreed to give Marilyn the picture.

All this is moving ahead.

I could almost be optimistic about progress. But I am prepared for a bit of slide back when school and the weather is challenging.

For today, Julia woke up, I helped her get dressed, she ate a good breakfast, and got on the bus. She forces everyone to talk to her at the bus stop, and a few of those neighbors (and their kids) have not been friendly towards Julia (I imagine because of her developmental differences). Julia doesn't care. She talks to everyone. I put away my own prejudice about their prejudices and follow my daughter's lead.

Simply, she is my master.


Quiet Aquarian said...

My Columbus teacher, Lama Kathy Wesley, calls parenting "the 18 Year Compassion Retreat.

Suz said...

Oh, I so agree. Children are incredible teachers.