13 June 2009

Saturday -- 2 more days!

We are at a Barnes & Nobles to get on the internet because the connection at the Bloomfield house is so slow! And sometimes just doesn't connect at all. It is another rainy day so playing outside is not an option. I am still cleaning -- linen closet and bathroom today. We have special movies for tonight and then another day down.

Loose ends keep popping up -- little fires to put out before moving on and I have not accomplished my goals for any day this entire week. I am meeting with a RE agent tomorrow morning to put the house on the market. Then, Julia and I are off to join Cheshire in NYC to see Shreck, The Musical. We bought ticket on line -- or Cheshire did -- and Julia is pumped!

Right now, she sits across from me drawing dinosaurs with a pen in a small notebook that was my mother's. She likes sitting on the high chairs and I think about how we could have a bar in our kitchen, but she also moves around too much when she draws and has fallen off the chair twice. Her patience is good but I can't stay much longer.

Today must be the longest of our day.

Julia is learning to read Green Eggs and Ham -- she is up to page 16 and knows almost all of the words.


Snickerdoodle said...

How wonderful that J is learning to read one of my dd's early favourite books! There is also a computer program for that story (many of the Dr. Suess stories are on computer).


Kept mine busy for hours!
Snick :)

Traci said...

Can't wait to see you both; we are really pumped around here.

Now to figure out food....hmmmmm. "I will not let feeding Suzanne and Julia stress me out...I will not let feeding Suzanne and Julia stress me out....."

Any ideas of what you would like?

Elaine said...

Good to hear that progress is being made on all fronts. I'd be pumped to see Shrek too!