01 June 2008


“Alan will want to see bunny ears.”

We were getting ready for the Y and her swimming lesson and Julia was wearing the bunny ears that someone from the crowd of runner that passed our house gave to her. This is the first time in my hearing that she purposely used the future tense, although recently I can tell that she is looking both back and ahead a bit. She asks about her goggles which we didn't have at the last swimming lesson. At night she asks for the fruit that we bought that afternoon. Julia can be the dictionary definition of “be here now,” and it is nice to see her expand her vision.

Today, Julia is very energetic and is doing whatever she can to subvert Alan's teaching. Is this like playing games? Once she understands the rules, or the task, she wants to bend the rules and change the task. This my be a great tool for her if and when she does become an artist, but it is damm hard for her teachers and for us.

Amy, Julia's aid, came over last night to stay with Julia while the rest of us went out to dinner and a movie. For us itwas really great spending that time with Jason and Cheshire. The more time I spend with them together, the more I see their relationship as good for both of them. We invited Jason for Thanksgiving which he cannot do, and then invited ourselves to England if Cheshire goes there for Christmas. I don't intend to spend another Christmas holiday without Cheshire. It will be interesting to see the north of England in the winter. No matter the weather, it may well be a break from Wisconsin weather.

When we got home, Amy was full of Julia stories. It seems that she really did take over when we left. She told Amy that we used a cookie sheet when we made pizza, and when Amy burned it a little bit, Julia told her to open the windows. Julia was keen on taking an after dinner walk but walked only a few houses worth before she asked to be carried home. And I thought that Amy was so tough! She carried Julia! Oh, Julia could wrap Dark Vader around her finger is she put her mind to it.

Julia issued instructions as to how to be careful with the books that they read. She has a new pop-up book from the library and David had reminded her to be very careful and to refold every page before going on. Julia gave Amy the same instructions.

After swimming, we went to the farmers' market and Chinese Cultural Day -- conveniently both around the Capitol. Julia inhaled two kinds of noodles from a fendor and we set off looking for fresh vegies and a pink iced cookie which is becoming Julia's expected treat at the market. We ran into two groups of friends and it was nice to have someone to greet. Sarah, Ches's HS friend, and Andy were also showing off the Farmers' Market to Ches and Jason. Good to see them as well.

This afternoon, we went canoeing. Jason and Cheshire in one boat and the three of us in another. David and I tried canoeing on a Scyamore School (Cheshire's grammar school) outing many years ago and it was almost the demise of our relationship. Not really, but well, yeah. We both fought for control and blamed the other for all mishaps. We must have matured by this time (LOL), but we were able to maneuver together very pleasantly on the small lake and wekland byways. Maybe we have lost the need for control between us. Nice to think that that is true and that our relationship is one of giving to eachother as a primary goal. Julia sat on a mat in the middle of our boat – almost tipped us a few times when she moved a little too quickly to trail her hand in the water. She was non-stop chatter as she searched for “alligators” and other wild things. Fallen limbs, clumps of grass, and darting birds made the make-believe extremely easy. As we headed back to the rental dock, Ches and Jason took Julia in their boat and we had a bit of quiet paddling.

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