30 December 2008

short update

A full day and a busy one. Marcia and Matthew came for a visit. We had a little Christmas with them. Matthew gave Julia a dinosaur magnadoodle that is cute beyond measure. Marcia gave her a giantic marble run kit. Julia has had so much fun with both and so have Marcia and I. I think we are both latent engineers. Julia loved seeing Matthew and Marcia. She wanted their attention and wanted to try to talk with them. She can do more than she could last Christmas and last 4th of Julia, but her communication still needs translation and there is always a need for others to get used to her behavior.

I pled my case ot the insurance appeal board in the hope of getting them to reverse the denial of coverage for an attachment therapist. I should hear by the 10th of next month. I know of three other kids who are covered by our insurance for the provider that I have asked for. I have been told that approval is on a case by case basis. The presentation part of the appeal was enjoyable -- if Julia's therapy was not riding on the decision it would have been fun.


Anonymous said...


I never claimed to be your classiest friend. Sorry!

Suz said...

Hi Tracy,

I am learning that denial of unusual claims are just part of the process. I have a feeling that this is the first of many appeals. But I have to say that I have been working towards getting attachment therapy for Julia since last June -- the process is more than slow.

Happy New Year,