25 September 2009

Julia Friday and Saturday

Julia had 5 hours of therapy on Friday and was pretty cranky during all of it. She was fidgety while Jeff was reading to her, and ornery during all her transitions. I think she is tired. In fact, we are all pretty tired for no good reason. I wonder if this has something to do with our diet and our bodies' withdrawal from wheat.

Julia brought home a mess of papers in her Friday folder. Wow! Just like the other kids. There were some word work sheets and some writing and her first MATH FACTS SHEET. It is addition using the numbers 1-5 and all but one of the 20 or so problems were done! Many were even correct! I know that she does math work one-on-one with Ginny, but it is amazing to see that she did it! I could write with all exclamations because I wondered if we would ever get this far.

Our friend and Cheshire's best friend since 3rd grade is in town for the weekend. I was sooo nice to have dinner with her and stay up late and watch an old movie. No, Linde is not Cheshire, but we have shared so much of her growing up and Linde's priorities and personality just melt into our family. It was so nice to have a young person with depth and feeling to talk to.

Julia had morning therapy (and was in a much more cooperative mood) on Saturday and after lunch we went out walking to feed some ducks and gueese and sea gulls -- where do the gulls come from? It took awhile to get the interest of the birds but once we did they clustered around us quacking, hissing, and squawking. The birds was hungry and interested but not scary agressive so it was fun. When we ran out of bread, the birds changed their sounds and very quickly dispursed. I am sure we were not the first or the last feeder of the day.

Tonight, David and I have a sitter, one of our line therapists, and we are going for dinner and a movie. Oh, how grown up.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

The seagulls I have known love to eat dirt, worms and grass: and of course chips/fries!

Can understand that Fridays must be tough with all the transitions. They are of course the start of the weekend, and Saturday is such a quiet day in our own house.

(Well, not this Saturday!)

Hope you have a lovely dinner and a great movie. It's great when you can strengthen the relationship with your husband/partner/significant other.

And of course experience young people with feeling and depth like Chesire's friend.