11 September 2009

Julia had a rockier week as school this week, but even so, her behavior report showed big parts of each day when her behavior was good. Added to that, she brought home papers with some math work that she did -- it is the beginning of addition. From what Ginny reports, Julia has spent 15 minutes working with Ginny on addition for the last two days.

Julia also worked with another child to do reading. I have not heard what she is reading or if she is remembering any words that we have worked with at home. I hope to hear about that next week. I have heard that she is listening to stories and I wonder how long it will be before she is answering questions.

Questions can still be hard. When Julia is angry, I try to ask her why. She will tell me that she is sorry, or what she did because she was angry, but she can never tell me the reason she is angry. I don't know whether she does not understand the question or cannot go back that far or something else.

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