08 September 2009


Just exhausted, but my first PTO meeting is over! I did an adequate job of keeping our engines going and plowing through most of the agenda and fnished the meeting on time. I spent way too much time getting ready for tonight, but I was able to do what I set out to do. Unfortunately, after the meeting, I spoke with someone who has done a lot of work for the PTO and very thoughtlessly, hurt her feelings. And so, as happy as I am for staying afloat tonight, I feel awful about what I did after it.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

What did you set out to do?

And was it necessary to speak to the person afterwards? I try to minimise my opportunities for hurting others (intentionally or otherwise) by not having backtalk and focusing on the issues involved.

You really must have brought out heaps of energy.

I hope that next time you can tell her that you really appreciate her work and that you appreciate everybody's work. Because it is for one thing, and that is the children.

(This is what my Maman and other parents would do - lots of mutual support).