09 December 2009


Snow! Winter, as personified by a beautiful witch riding on a sleigh pulled by a very large white horse, has visited with a vengence. A wet, heavy snow, much more than a foot is on the ground. It is lovely to sit in the house and look out at trees decked out in chilly finery. But to shovel . . . Oy! Unfortunately, as clerk of court, David is expected to be at work today. All non-essential offices in Madison are closed, but presumably the Supreme Court is essential and must be open. An open court does not mean the presense of judges, justices, law clerks, etc., but the presense of the clerk. Oy!

Present problem: My snow blower which I proudly had tuned up yesterday does not start. Bigger problem, at least for David who needs to get to work: although a plow came through to clean our street, it left those big mounds of snow in front of our driveway and at our corner in two places. To get David onto a useable street, we have to dig out the street. Right now, that is not happening.

During this angst, Julia is having a great time watching tv and speculating on what she is going to do in the snow later on today. (O0ooo, I bought her a tube sled yesterday and was going to give it to her for Christmas. I'll have to see what sledding is like today. Maybe it is time to break it out??)

David made breakfast -- bacon and eggs -- and my belly is full. Such a comfort. I could go right back to sleep now. I'm going to to another round of shoveling before I take a morning nap.

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