16 August 2009


I am posting lots of pictures because the pictures capture just a little bit more than my words can. We had such a good time with our Nancang travel group. It is splendid watching the girls grow. It is so nice to hear people tell us how well Julia is doing -- and these are people who saw the early days and so we don't have to explain. It is wonderful to see Julia respond to these little girls with so much love and care. Her behavior was caring and gentle to the little girls -- no threats of hitting or being mean to them at all. She played with them, helped them in the water, and hugged each one of them. On Sunday, when we did our annual Red Couch Picture, Julia declared that she loved being a pretty Chinese girl and she wore her Chinese dress all the way home. She didn't want to leave, but even then her behavior was that of an 8 year old, who doesn't want to leave, not that of a traumatized autistic kid. I am so proud of all her work.
This was a two step forward weekend which I often don't realize until we take that step back.

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