27 November 2008

It is late. The turkey was roasted, another was smoked, stuffing was stuffed and cooked outside any bird to preserve its vegie attitude, potatoes, in two colors, green vegies in two varieties, and canned cranberries because it is preferred to any messing with the real thing for the sake of tradition, pies were baked and guests arrived with more baked dainties and salad, and bottles of wine opened and consumed and allthe time the steady conversation in and out and all around problems, challenges, joys, hopes, dreams. The gravy did not thicken as it should have, the bakers did not like the consistency of their pumpkin pie. Everyone ate too much.

Julia's behavior reflected how different this day was from our normal round. She was quiet a few times, laying down on our bed and just being quiet. She followed Michael around, wanting to do what he did. He found his frustration level when she started demanding he say and do what she wanted. Julia did not always listen, I think the crowd, the noise that we all made was too much for her. Overstimulation to say the least, but we all were. She played her computer game -- Pajama Sam -- on my laptop with Michael and me. We got to the end of the game for the first time with Michael's help.

All in all, it was a good day for her. I am seeing more shifting to independence, more remembering, and the persistent yearning for relationship.

I took no pictures at all today. Just living was enough. But tomorrow . . . .

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