So this is a tough one. Julia and school.
Getting in the car was the easy part. Getting out of the car, into the building, meeting her teachers (to be called Christie and Amy after we had been rehursing thier last names with a Miss, as we did in Indiana) and putting her stuff in her cubby were okay as well. But going back on the playground and being surrounded by kids and parents was cause for complete collaspse.
I am writing this now because I don't want to forget my immediate impression.
Julia went willingly into the playground but the crowd of kids and the noise did something -- scare her? feel uncomfortable to her? She dug her heels in (really she did) and would not budge. She would not get on line or stand with the rest of the class. She went to the ground and did not want to join in with the activity. When other teachers and I tried to move her into her group, she started hitting me with closed fists -- not hard at all. I held her arms to get her to calm down. I talked to her quietly, especially that it was okay to be afraid in a new situation. When she calmed down, I picked her up and she has some comfort in that. She hugged me and apologized without being asked for hitting me. We repeated this cycle a few times as Christie's group moved from one part of the playground to another and into the school room. Julia hated that she had left her bag in the classroom and other kids had theirs on their backs.
When it was time to move into the classroom, Julia walked holding my hand. (I was the only parent accompanying the kids into school.) Christie stopped outside the classroom and had the kids sit down in the hall. She explained what to do with lunch boxes and coats. Julia sat with the kids near me, and then left to lay on the floor between where the kids were sitting and Christie. I would ordinarily view this as wanting attention and scold a kid for doing this. Christie just let her do it. I make no judgment right now.
Julia went into the classroom when the other kids did. Christie told the kids to sit on the rug; Julia went to play with some lego on a table. Christie tol me that I could leave if I wanted to and I consented. I don't think I was doing any good there.
We need some help.
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