19 September 2007

Moving along!

I see so many great pictures on other blogs and admit my envy. I have not trained Julia to take great pictures like my friend Angie. Then again, there is the photographer -- me -- and I know I am not the best. So when I find a few that I really like, I want to use them again and again.

Here are my latest favorities.

I have been walking around with a giant lump in my throat, trying to be patient with the school and not demand too much all at once and at the same time knowing that it is me and me alone who is going to make sure Julia gets what she needs.

Julia is still tolerating school -- who knows, one day, she might like it. We are still going to school early enough to swing most days, but today we got there after the buses had left and the playground was full of noisy kids playing and talking. Julia and I just walked on in, singing "Hey, let’s go" (from My Neighbor Totoro). She put her backpack near the right line of packs and was ready to find Amy. She greeted Amy and then said good by to me.

The school in Madison continues to surprise me which is so appreciated. Julia had her language assessed within the first three days of school, and next monday, beginning of the 4th week of school, a team will meet to start talking about other testing. There are a few kids in her class -- a classroom with extra help -- who may be assessed. I am concerned about her emotional development, her sensitivity to sound, her disinterest in all things academic, her anger, and her lack of social skills. According to what I've been told, I will have a chance to voice all of these concerns and we will work together to figure out what to work on first. I have heard of many people who have had to fight for this kind of attention, so I am very grateful for it. Meanwhile, we have an appointment on Friday with an attachment specialist to see what there is to work on there, and an application for an appointment with the developmental clinic connected to the University.
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