31 December 2008

Last image of the year?

Picture by Matthew with his mom's camera. Not bad for an 11 year old. If only I could do as well!


Liska said...

Suz, I'm new to the AOK yahoo group. I just read your reply on Disrupting Adoption, and followed your link to your blog. I'm speechless after reading about your loving dedication to your daughter. I just accepted a referral for a 5 1/2 year old girl from Beihai City. I would love to follow your blog, and I think you're amazing. Thank you for sharing your story, and I suspect you have the makings of a book here someday that will be powerful and important.

Lisa (Liska)

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne,

Where are you? Don't tell me you're still shoveling snow!

Thinking of you and missing your posts.

(no pressure intended - just love)

Love, Traci