10 May 2009

Mother's Day

It was a lovely Mother's Day!

Marianne is still with us which has been delightful. Having a dear visitor from far away is almost as good as traveling myself . . . not quite, but almost.
Julia signed a card and was very proud of it. Couldn't really wait for me to open it. David bought lovely earings that went on straight away. It was my turn to teach at church and this lesson was about the Unitarian ritual called the Flower Communion. I have not been at this service yet but the story was sweet and I find I have no trouble at all teaching anything that involves gardens and flowers. We make egg crate and pipecleaner flowers which the kids enjoyed much more than I thought that they would. I can see this this year of teaching RE has really helped develop my skills with kids and has been a good basis of comparison as I think about the social skills group.

Walking in the Olbrich Gardens was beautiful and Julia led the way as we went to the conservatory, the Thai temple, and the great lawn.

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