05 May 2009


Julia has been very happy the last few days. The After School people tell me she is sillier than usual. She had all smiles on her behavior chart for school yesterday. Even when she fusses or refuses, she seems to be only kidding a lot of the time -- doing it just to test, to keep her front up. She wanted to cuddle yesterday, although there is still lots of times when I need to push her to do out attachment work.

But during the last weekend, Julia wanted my attention more just to smile at me. She demands that I look at everything she is creating, and she wants to do more of what we are doing. I think she is even being nicer to the dog -- I don't want to raise my hopes up too high.

Still, she did not want to do home work last night, but on the plus side she was visible tired. We are seeing many more yawns and more cooperation going to bed. Still, that kid is like a nesting dog when she falls asleep. There are times I think she will never, ever settle down!

Another thing about yesterday, when Julia came into the classroom -- late because we went to early morning therapy -- she saw Aaron and heard him saying under his breath that Julia was there and that he wanted her gone. Julia heard it -- the kid does have super hearing! -- and looked intently at Aaron. Dare I say, ready to attack. I was leaving and saw that Mary was ushering Julia to take off her jacket and do her morning routine, and the fact that there were no sad faces on her beahvior chart means that she did not find a time to go back and get Aaron. This is a good thing.

I am dealing, via email, with my first PTO presidential issue. Although I am not formally president yet, my input is being sought. Gosh, there is a lot to learn and I have always been dreadful at politicing.


Anonymous said...

I've found that the virtual chore and behavior chart works for me. I use a site called Handipoints chore charts to make printables and it's really been fun so far!

Cindi Campbell said...

Just a thought because I am watching Ace of Cakes....thinking of Julia and her clay figures. I can see her decorating cakes.

Unknown said...

I've been back reading your journey with Julia and I must say she's doing well. I hope she'll continue to progress well. I'm sure she will, she's lucky to have you as her mom! :)