11 August 2008

Short notes

We had a piddling around day with rainy weather to keep us inside or dashing to or from the car. Best part of the day was to get Cheshire with us for a few days. Tomorrow, Maryland and Lisa!

Julia was very fidgety today -- all day and even tonight getting ready to sleep. It seemed impossible for her to be still no matter what she was doing. I know we are not do enough physical stuff for her, but we took two walks and played in two playgrounds. I am hoping the better weather will get us outside more often. The fidgety behavior is such a reminder that Julia is not like everyone else. She needs a sensory diet and she needs help to gain control.

I am reminded that we had a day like this when we were in Door County just before we saw some very visible results from the listening therapy. She is also trying very hard to connect with Cheshire and her Babja (my mother). Her conversations are bizaar sometimes but she tries so hard.

I put the new CD in tonight for 10 minutes.

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