05 August 2008

Tuesday is Hienz country

Maybe Carnegie is closer to the truth since the Museum of Natural History was funded and stocked by the old man himself. Julia was in heaven! And David and I were just in awe. This is an old museum with old bones that have been fixed and refurbished, but there is no way to duplicate this stuff. Most of what we saw was real which is different from lots of new dino exhibits, and the sheer number of prehistoric skeletons was more than impressive.
The dino is the picture is outside the museum and is just one of the long necked monsters that is inside. Below is Julia hugging a leg.

Julia knew so many of the dinos from their bones and was not at all intimidated by the size.
She also had no trouble using the touch screen computers with more pictures and information. She did skip the boring all info pages infavor of the pictures.
More on today, tomorrow


Elaine said...

I love it that she finally got to hug a dino. What with the pickles and the dinosaurs, perhaps y'all should've moved to Pittsburgh instead of Madison!!

Jill W said...

Great pictures! It looks like you guys are having lots of fun!