01 March 2009


Just returned from dropping Cheshire at the airport for her flight back to NYC. It is cloudy today and we were chased inside from pool side by clouds, wind, and showers. But it doesn't matter one lick! The warm is still here and we are bathing in it! Tonight, My in-laws are going to tell us how awful it is that our weekend was not perfect, but they just don't understand that walking around without coats, hat, gloves, and heavy boots is the biggest treat.

We spent the day yesterday on the beach and eating -- breakfast, beach, lunch, beach, pool, dinner. We all got a little color -- Julia broke out in hives from the sun block -- and we came back to the hotel sand encrusted and a bit dazed. Too much good food and too much sun, but fun.

It was great seeing Cheshire for a day -- her grandparents could not understand why she did not take a sick day and come down on Thursday. Cheshire admitted that she didn't even think about it. She is still in the school mode that you don't take a day off unless you absolutely have to. We might have encouraged her to take the day but I am proud of her for being such a hard working responsible person.

Last night, we went to a fancy restaurant for Dad's 90th birthday. We were able to sit outside and the food was very good. Our waiter was really taken with Julia. He raved about her spirit, her outgoingness, and her energy -- All the things that some people find so off putting. It was only a little incident, no big thing, but I am very happy to see people immediate connect with her. Cheshire has always been an extremely likeable person, and this has been a great help to her. I hope that Julia can find this side of herself as well.

Julia is asking about what we are doing or planning to do much more often. She is remembering what I tell her. This is all good.

There is a group of people at the hotel who have small dogs with them and who also have doggie carriages with them. Julia is intrigued. She's decided that all the dog's are babies and need to be rest and not walk. After seeing the carriages and dogs this morning, Julia is fashioning their image out of clay. I wonder if we will always know what is on her mind by by looking at the clay work?

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