14 December 2010

Whew, it has been a long time. I have given myself quite a vacation from writing. I have been doing a little reading, mostly on autism, but a bit on trauma, but I have not felt moved to write in quite a few days and have not pushed myself in the least.

Vacation! I go back to sleep after Julia leaves for school and I wake up like a cat when the sun is in my eyes. I am watching junky movies on Netflix and intend on finding at least one really junky book.

This is the most student-like behavior that I have exhibited all semester. LOL!

I am cooking, baking, and organizing this week. Cooking to eat some good hot meals on these cold night especially when Julia is not finished at clinic until 7 at night. I've been freezing what we cannot eat in one night. My freezer is a bit empty, but I am thankful for all those soups and sauces that I have been using the past months. Baking just for teachers, the holiday party on the last day of Julia's school (this Friday!). I cannot really bring myself to bake for the holidays. I surprise myself at the old fashion-ness of my desires -- my mother and her circle did no celebrating for a year after someone died. I am not intentionally doing this but it does seem to be my behavior. And organizing -- I have not found the best organization of Julia's "stuff" -- toys and art supplies and work. The house is a continual mess. And there is my stuff as well. Research books and articles are piling up without a system. But, to be hones, my mess is a small mound compared to my daughter's mountain.

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