28 May 2011

Julia had a sleep over last night!!

I am going to let that sentence stand by itself and just take a step back to admire it. Ah, it looks so good! I know that this is a step that seems small and insignificant. Cheshire started having and going to sleepovers when she was 6, and by 10 they were a regular and longed for event. But Julia!!

The child that is here is a generous, incredibly kind-hearted 10 year old. She is much more mature than Julia and she is patient and loving. She gives Julia wide berth and gives in to her at times, but also is not scared of telling Julia she is not being fair or complaining to me. All works very well.

This friend's parents came over for dinner, and Julia and her friend were happy to be left behind. When I asked Julia if she wanted S. to stay over, she beamed and told me, "S is staying with me." Clearly, she was happy and she was also ready. When she was not fair, Julia was willing to modify her behavior. Even so far as handing over the controlling remote on the wii during a game of Super Mario Brothers. They played SMB for about a half hour and when I asked them to go to bed, they gave me no trouble at all. Sweetly agreed and headed upstairs.

Julia was very willing to sleep in her own bed, with a made up mattress on the floor for S. Julia, who usually sleeps with me, was happy to climb into her bed and snuggle into her quilt, which I remembered was her favorite when she slept in her bed. Maybe this is an opportunity to move.

They chatted after lights went out -- like the two little girls that they were -- and settled down within the hour. School these days is full of field trips and physical activity and these girls were really tired.

And they slept until after 8 this morning. Woke up and ate oatmeal, got dressed, tidied the room, and are playing with Julia's therapist of the morning. Yes, Julia still needs direction and help with being a friend, but it is wonderful to see her wanting to have a friend, and being able to please her friend.


Linette said...

Way to go, Julia!

Snickerdoodle said...

Good news indeed! Maybe more in the near future too!

Snick :)

Traci said...

Such a beautiful day! Glorious - thanks for sharing!
