02 July 2009


After so much therapy today and my sour feelings, we had to do something fun tonight. Something that we don't usually do. I decided that I want to try a gluten free diet for Julia (and for all of us) some time in August. As a first step, I am going to get rid of all of the food with gluten that we have in the house, and where better to start than the frozen cookie dough that we bought at a church fundraiser. And if we are going to bake cookies, then we should decorate. Results as follows!


Sharon said...

Good luck with the new diet in August. Maybe you can share the details as you begin it. I have thought about doing it here... Of course when I brought it up to the school teacher, she acted as if I were punishing my child. I explained that my daughter would rather eat broccoli instead of a cookie anyway (which is so true!), but she acted as if I were abusive! lol

Suz said...

I am sure I will be blogging about it! David is on board -- last night he told me that he was thinking that his recent stomach upset might have to do with gluten. Maybe there is some good timing in this one.

As for people not understanding -- as a kid, we had dear family friends who had one daughter who was alergic to everything -- mostly eggs from what I remember. And there was one aunt who always felt so sorry that Donna couldn't eat birthday cake. She would sneak Donna (who was about 6-8 at the time) bites of cake when Donna's mother was not looking. When I think of that now - - - Can you believe that!