19 May 2010

To get Julia outside today, I just about had to drag her, but I want her outside when the weather is nice. Far too often, she will stay inside when her therapists come over and nothing they say or do will convince her to move. I decided that if I want her to start therapy outside, then I have to get her there before anyone comes over. Yesterday, it was not much of a problem. It only took a little coaxing and the promise of a sticker (she is hot for some toy and wants to collect all the stickers she can) to get her out. Today, was another story. She made lots of noise, threw chalk and dinosaurs, sometimes at me, and refused over and over to do anything. I brought her and all the stuff outside and sat down in the shade to draw on the sidewalk. We never got to the game that I intended to play, but after awhile, she settled down and picked up the chalk and drew. When she started her second dinosaur drawing, and by this time, her therapist, Morgan, was with us, she ask first me and then Morgan to help her color it in. We worked together for awhile before I went inside.

Every day a little nudge in the right direction?

Although Julia is having some problems transitioning at the beginning and end of school, she has been bringing home behavior charts with all smiles. She is doing school work.

When Julia gets a sticker, she puts it on a calendar, usually one she has made with the help of therapists. When she puts it on, we all make her say the date, and up to today, I have always had to prompt her with the name of the month and day. Today, she said the entire date by herself!!! I did point to the relevant information, but that will come too. I didn't know if this would ever happen!!!

I am working on more little chapters of T-rex Julia. I expect to post them soon. Please comment.

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