18 February 2011

Julia calls this a sassy picture. Three days home with mom and she is still sassy. We are doing reading and math and playing Super Mario Brothers. We are walking the dog and going to therapy. We can't go to the protests because it is just a bit too much stimulation for my girl, but I've explained what is going on to Julia. She is not at all happy about not going to school.

And she is (1) becoming a democrat -- nothing like early and appropriate indoctrination. (2) She wants to send a T-rex to the Capital to eat Gov. Walker. I like a girl who believes in direct action.


Anonymous said...

Go, Julia, go! Let's hear it for Dinosaurs!!! I believe your mother is doing a good job of educating you at home.

Anonymous said...

Go Julia!!!!! Send those dinosaurs and eat those bad guys up. Smart girl who knows right and wrong.Mom, you are doing a great job. Look at this amazing child you are raising.

I just wish David were still alive to see Julia so excited to go to school. Proud of my niece. Love you all, Carol

Linette said...

A T-Rex! Now there's a way to cut through politics!! :-) What a kid!