05 August 2011

So, today. Just wow. Maybe a specular last day to seal the deal that we will come back next year.

Julia was off to her last day of camp today. Tonight, she told me she was going to miss camp tomorrow. They did their regular camp stuff today and also had a “halloween party”. I am not sure what they did, but Julia ate candy corn.

My day: The morning began with my last class on Islam, taught by a professor from CUNY at Buffalo. Today, we talked about women and revolution. Then, before lunch, Hossein Mousavian, the former Iranian Nuclear Negotiator, spoke. At 2, Karen Armstrong lectured on the Theology of Revolution. And tonight, Straight No Chaser, a male a cappella ensemble which formed over a dozen years ago while students at Indiana University. Not high art, but ever so much fun.

I have enjoyed the communal living of a basement kitchen space with assigned tables, frig space, storage shelf, and many stove tops lining the walls. Julia learned how to use a battery powered sweeper and cleaned around and under our table and as many other places as she could fit in. Our cooking has not been gourmet -- maybe a bit more of that next year -- but it was simple and ample. And especially good, after some junky traveling food of the days before.

My contractor send pictures of my new painted walls and the finished floors. It is time to go back to my new, old house and set life up again. It is time for a new year.

And one more picture, this time of Karen Armstrong, for Cheshire because I know she had read her books.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Wow! I heard Karen Armstrong on PBS and never forgot her. And Straight No Chaser -- the guys are just plain fun -- their videos are on YouTube.

We may all meet you at Chataqua next year!Glad you had so much fun.

AND you get to come home to a new house!

