13 January 2009


Snow, cold and more of both coming. Yesterday's temperatures in the 20's with some wind chill are balmy compared to low single digets and significant wind chill that pushes the temperature way, way below zero. Kids stay inside the school all day and parents hustle from from back door to car to building to car to back door. It will warm up by the weekend so the challenge is to get to the weekend. People talk about the cold and snow and chuckle at their ability to handle it all. The roads are amazing and clear. Now, if only they would stop plowing closed the driveway, I'd be way happier.

Ah, Wisconsin.

Did a job interview today. Felt fine about it. One job -- two weeks of interviews. This one was not even posted in obviously places. I had a good time talking to three intelligent people -- their questions were better than the last few state interviews I've been on -- more open ended and allowed for a lot more personality and personal experience to show through. Once again, my experience is not relevant without a stretch. I stretched -- I am looking like a giraff.

Julia seems to have made some leap -- the listening program? I am not sure. She is more together in her person. She is being slightly more relevant when she speaks, she is asking more questions. I might be stretching here as well, but I think that when she doesn't answer to our call, there is a reason -- like she doesn't want to stop drawing or playing. Her obsession right now is the Sour Kangaroo from Horton Hears a Who. She makes them out of clay and draws constantly. I am not sure if it is the pouch which holds a baby all the time which she loves, or the grumpiness of the character. She does become obsessed with things -- is this autism?

In the last 6 days of school, Julia has come home with three perfect behavior charts, and two that were not so bad. Pretty incredible. At home, I am still getting lots of physical acting out and some new "Bad" words. When I mentioned the words to her teacher the other day, Christy could almost name the kid who uses each one. Julia also managed to pick up "idiot" from a PG movie. We try to keep language pretty clean at home, if we didn't . . . . oh, it would be fun.

Our chosen therapist has not returned my call yet. I am a jumpy teenager waiting for the boy of her dreams to call. I want to schedule something NOW!


ChinaCalling said...

Julia's obsession with the kangaroo is brilliant!

Elaine said...

You have no idea how lovely Wisconsin sounds to me. In theory anyway.....
I kinda like that Kangaroo too. Such a bitchy character. Sometimes I'd like to stomp around the house acting like that!!!

Cindi Campbell said...

My Mia who is home now for 5 yrs. has a compulsion of drawing me and her together. Just the two of us and always with hearts. She has just now starting drawing her father into the picture. She is also very obsessed with her dad and I as bride and groom and yet says she does not want to get married. She is using the picture to express some of her fears IMO.