04 July 2009

Planting the Flags

We don't do decorations of any kind too far before a holiday. Julia is still pretty short time with time. I waited until today to put our a few flag for the Fourth and asked Julia to do it. She did have to do a bit of flag waving first.

Another thing, I have never felt the need to flag wave. I have always thought it was a little like putting a bumper sticker on your car that says, I love my family. And maybe it is a second generation thing as well -- I AM an American, I don't have to be conspicuous about it like my grandparents. As if that was only for immigrants and, dare I say, conservatives. But my conservative friends (yes, that's you, Traci) may have a point in waving a few flags (Cheshire is rolling her eyes right now). And for Julia, it may have more importance to conspicuously celebrate our national heritage.

A new pondering for me.
And so, we have documented the first, annual flag dance and planting -- you know, that mere decoration does ignore the the possibility of dancing.
Flags can wave.
Flags can twirl.
Flags can be quiet . . .
Before a wild tournee to the left . . .
and a grand ending.
Now, for the more serious planting of the flag.
Mommy, Mommy, this is perfect!
Yeah Sweetie, it is.*
* And yeah, I haven't mulched yet. I am about a month late with all gardening chores but at least the weeds are not outnumbering the flowers I want in the garden.

1 comment:

Traci said...

Julia's flags are perfect! And so is our friendship.

Love to all of you!
