08 February 2010

feeding my girl

I can laugh at myself today! I went food shopping to replenish our much dwindled supplies and to buy some things that I could tempt Julia to eat and add a bit of meat onto her gettin'-skinnier-all-the-time frame. She has lost three, almost four, pounds since the beginning of December. I am sure it is due to the drugs because when she is clear of the Aderrall, she reverts back to eating like a truck driver.

Julia has never been more than lean, and she has always been solid. She weighs more than you think when you look at her. And she grows. The kid is getting taller all the time. She has been eating three squares plus snacks since we met. And she eats good food. She has never been into junk food. She likes some cookies, ice cream, and cheese doodles, but she likes to drink water, doesn't eat much bread, doesn't like cheese (except on pizza), loves fruit and vegies and eats a moderate amount of meat. Rice and noodles are her mainstays.

Since the Aderrall, however, her appetite has gotten smaller and smaller, and now, I am supposed to supplement/enrich her diet so that she get more calories. And here is a task that I am completely unprepared for. I know how to eat healthy, I know how to diet and how to fast, but never have I helped someone gain weight.

It is against my ethnic heritage.

And so, I wound up in my local supermarket with no idea of what to buy to fatten up my little girl. I bought some regular cream cheese, some applesauce that was sweetened, juice that doesn't have water in it. I bought some Ensure. I had no idea what I was doing.

Luckily, we had OT today and Annie told me to add ground nuts to muffins, and protein powder to vegetables, and peanut butter to almost anything. She copied pages from a baby food book that I need to read. I don't doubt that I will figure it out but for a long time I have considered myself pretty competent in feeding those whom I feed.

There is always something new to learn.


Traci said...

"It is against my ethnic heritage."

~~ So afraid that I was going to wake Scott from laughing wildly at this line. Thanks, I needed that. :D

Made reservations at Abe Martin tonight. So thrilled to have a date that I will see you next.

Big hug, Friend!

Adelaide Dupont said...

Against my ethnic heritage.

I had to smile a bit at that one, a subtle smile.

Hypothamulus? Other parts of the brain down there (hint: thyroid and such: glands and puberty).

Have a great date, Traci and Suz!

Julia's diet seems like a pretty good one, especially sans gluten and casein.

And rice and noodles, are they not the mainstays of half the people in the world?

(Noodles I will eat. Rice, on the side, mixed with many other things, for example chicken and vegetables).

Annie seems to be on the button with proteins.

A British expatriate in Greece gave us this link:

Annabel Karmel

See what it says.

Sara said...

Pediasure (much like Ensure)

Use whole milk when making such things as puddings, mashed potatoes, on cereal or in oatmeal.

Milkshakes with vanilla or chocolate pediasure/ensure added instead of the milk, even add protein powder to it..If she thinks it tastes funny, you could add some malted milk powder to just sweeten it a bit, (comes in chocolate and vanilla).

Whole-fat yogurt...could sprinkle some granola..a nice high-fat food..(if she likes it), chopped fresh fruit, and ground nuts of some kind. Top if off with some rainbow jimmies just to make it cute :-)

Don't know if she likes hard-boiled eggs. Our son from China loves them!!! I have to keep a container of them in the fridge for him...then he tells me, "Mama, salt no healthy, just pepper on egg." Myself, I can't imagine eating a hardboiled egg without salt, yuck! *He also loves peanut butter spread on a rice cake with sliced bananas on it.

You could also make a yogurt smoothies...of course using whole fat yogurt, fruit, protein powder, little milk. I add ground flax seed to them...so good for you..and the kids can't taste it.

Anonymous said...

make a smoothie or shake and add heavy whipping cream to it, this is very easy and quick to help with weight.

For appetite, NOW brand P5P does wonders for my 13 yr old d. When I take it, makes me very hungry.