06 February 2010

Today, we changed meds, giving Julia 10 mg of Aderall Rx (time release) and .5 mg of guanfacine in the morning and before bed. Julia was noticeably concentrated and quiet. She had a very good playdate in the morning and then a very quiet afternoon. Julia took a bath while David napped and I kept Julia company by cleaning the bathroom closet and chatting. We played with little pets and had supper watching a dog show on tv. Maybe we all needed this kind of lazy, quiet day.


Adelaide Dupont said...

Hope the time release works well.

Also the talk and work is good.

Traci said...

Sure hope you find what is just right for Julia and her family soon. We just made a change with Valerie's meds (Doc has been begging me to make the change for a year but I've resisted the stimulant.) Looking like he was right as she is really able to follow directions, perform tasks without directions, and stay on top of school work without melt down and low grades. It's only been a week but I'm hopeful that she may have the help that she needs.

Now to watch for signs of side effects that we've avoided thus far.

Good Luck!!

Love, Traci