05 February 2010

Valentines and . . . .

Ummmm, I was going to post a few more pictures of our crafts project today, but for some reason I cannot add them. Maybe later.
So, here are the results of our efforts today. I did some of the prep work because Julia has not been enthusiastic about this project. Well, I am having fun. She did like decorating the already made (folded and cut) cards. She especially liked playing with the glitter pens. The girl is all bling!
This is what Julia preferred doing. Putting the "jewels" on her squirrels - I don't think any jewels made it on a card -- and making books for the squirrel family. If you look carefully you can see the Chinese New Year scrolls on the wall of the doll house.

Here is Emalie Squirrel, aka Julia Squirrel, Lily Squirrel, and Peyton Squirrel, with a package. She was just too darn cute to pass up a photo opportunity.


Adelaide Dupont said...

How did you make the butterflies?

Glitter is a wonderful way to get the bling into design.

Suz said...

The butterflies are foam stickers. Julia loves their texture.

Adelaide Dupont said...

Yeah, foam is probably a good feel.

I haven't exposed myself to it that much.

When I was younger I liked the bumpy, three-dimensional, puffy stickers.

(Perhaps they were around in Cheshire's time. Stickers, like everything else, have their fashion highlights).

Ce said...

What a beautiful daughter you have. Thank you for sharing part of your journey with us.

Ce Eshelman