11 July 2010

This is a day of contradictions. The sun is shining, Julia, Lisa, and I enjoy an early simple breakfast. Julia fully enjoys the opportunity to have chicken korma and rice for breakfast. I know she misses rice. I haven't been making it this week. We sit now -- her in the dinosaur room, keeping her toys out of the living room for another day, against her will for sure, but she is doing it. Julia's potential shines out every day. Her resilience is my master.

I sit writing, after coffee in bed with Lisa, and then eggs downstairs. I finished what I will say today at the memorial, working on the troublesome final paragraph. Cheshire feels that some of it is not personal enough and it took me until today to see what she was talking about. I wrote it from the most personal place inside of me -- yes, I quote poets in my personal place. Cheshire's good criticism helped and I can see it now, see what needed to change and what needed . . . . and that was how I edited what I was to say.

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