05 August 2010

life in the swirl

I am peaceful for a moment and then the swirling starts again. This is not monkey mind, it is crazy, wild hyena mind. So, this is what is ricocheting inside here --

I love people who take two bricks out of their and grow a rose arbor that encircles their front door.

I so enjoy being a stranger. I have not hear American since I have arrived on the Isle.

Julia is walking and walking far without complaint today.

I want to know where I will be in 5 years.

I want home. I thought I was there. I have no idea now.

I am incredibly impatient to see what happens next. Damn!

I want to read, but now I only have to find the time.

I ordered a pint of beer tonight for supper and the bar woman said, "you sure you want the big one?" "Yes," I said, just like a proper wild woman should.

Curry has become so british that there is usually dish of it at every pub. It is mild, more like korma than curry, and comes in a bowl with rice. Chicken korma with rice is my dinosaur's favorite meal right now. Is this convenient or what?

Walking is not swimming, but walking is exhausting too. And I am sleeping.

Right now, nothing is scary to do, but I have no idea what that doing is going to consist of.

Julia still cannot read but is more and more interested in trying.

How can I shape a routine without a partner?

I used to write about jumping off cliffs and letting angels catch me. Was I mad? I had no idea what that meant?

If there is an after life, David has not contacted me yet. I think he may just be too embarrassed to have to admit that I was right all the time.

Okay, I am strong. Now, what do strong people do when they are collapsing?

Am I writing more now that Cheshire has left? I miss her.

I haven't found great scones this trip.

Julia actually had a few moments of quiet today.

I have to turn over the compost and put some of the finished stuff on the front beds. I need to have dirty hands.

I also need to go out east this fall to see David's father. I have to see if I can afford it, but I also have to figure out time. I still have no idea how much time my LEND program will take up.

And LEND, where is that going to go?

Julia wants to be a dinosaur for halloween.

Oh, for a crystal ball?


Was Guandhi inpatient? No, I don't think I am Guandhi, but was he inpatient for the future?

The waves on the beach. I can watch them forever.

Julia and I talked about Jim Jones today. How we sat on the beach at Fire Island together, how he painted and drew. And how much he would have liked her.

I posted that last picture of David and now I want to take it down. It is too difficult to look at. He looks alive. How can he not be here.

David would have liked this place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"If there is an after life, David has not contacted me yet. I think he may just be too embarrassed to have to admit that I was right all the time."

This little bit of sideways humor tells me that the healing has begun.

God bless, dear lady.
