25 August 2010

Today, in attachment therapy, Julia created a queen, a pretty human looking queen, out of clay. After she was finished with it, Marilyn asked her some questions about the figure, and both Marilyn and I admired it. It's gold crown was a different color from the pinkish body. The hands has long red fingers that could have looked scary, and the body had breasts. It was quite sophisticated. Julia clearly did not want to be asked about it, and as Marilyn persisted, Julia became less communicative about it. Then, like so many other times, Julia just smashed the form into a lump of clay -- a rock of clay she called it.

It is process, or is it be almost afraid of what she can create. She replaced the queen with a T-rex, but small arms and sharp teeth, but then added a nest and eggs. This was a good T-rex mommy who looks after her eggs and her babies.

I begin my LEND program tomorrow with a 2-day orientation. I am nervous. Like Julia, I am scared my classmates will not like me. We are all that little child going to school -- hoping for the best, the meeting of a new kindred spirit and the doing of some valuable work, but fearing the worst, that I am too different from the rest of them.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Good luck tomorrow with your class. You will be fine, relax and enjoy and go with your flow. I am enjoying your writings. Blessings on you and Julia as you explore the game of life.