05 August 2010

The Swirl

The one thing that I had not added to the renovation mix was that I do not want to live alone. I will do it for the time being until I sort things out -- and the short time might be years, I have no idea. But ultimately, I want to be living in community with other people. It could be sharing a house with someone or a family. It could be something more formal like a co-housing community.

I would share my house with someone but it is not really big enough to live with a just-met house mate, and I don't know anyone who would like this sort of situation.

Cheshire gave me a talking to yesterday, and she was able to quantify my concerns and my quandry. It is true that if I invest heavily in my house, I will tie myself to it without any ability to live with another person/people. But talking to a realtor about what I could do to improve the saleability of the house while making it more to my liking, as someone else suggested, may be one of those two birds with that single stone sorts of things.

And of course, all this is blather until I get home -- my head is just spinning with thoughts that will fade a bit when I am looking at fall plans.

The dinosaur museum was really nothing special -- we have been to too many really great displays, I guess. Julia had fun, especially doing rubbings on man made rocks with fossil embossed on them.

We've stopped back at our hotel for a quick nap -- oh, I love naps -- and out again to look for some shells.

The Isle of Wight is perfect for shorts/capris and layers on top, ending with fleece. We don't quite have the right clothes but with most of our clothes clean, we can make do. I am just beginning to fall in love with this place. Just beginning.

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