28 March 2010

The three of us spent the day doing errands. Our therapist called in sick and so we headed out earlier than we expected. David was able to be out and about from a bit after ten until after three today. We moved slowly; and David did not go into all the stores that we visited. We moved into the Blackberry world of phones, found a copy of Ponyo, bought thank you notes and a new dinosaur. When we got home, David took a nap but he was in very good shape for the evening. And David put Julia to bed last night and tonight. She was so happy, she was glowing. My Daddy's girl.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

That's good that David was able to go out and pace himself.

Hooray for Blackberries and a new dinosaur.

Who knows, you might even be able to blog from the Blackberry, and Twitter, too.