20 September 2009


A tough day. This was the beginning of the church school year. Julia has a new class with new teachers but with the same aide as she had last year -- a lovely college girl who is smart and resourceful and very loving. We planned to meet Erin, our aide, before church began and we went to the classroom. As soon as we arrived at the classroom, Julia's behavior started to decline. She wriggled away from our grasp, she sat on the floor, she whined, she investigated things that she was told not to touch. She did not want to meet the teachers or the kids that were coming in. She did not want to greet Erin and said that she hated church and did not want to go to class. David took her outside to sit on a step and take a time out. I talked to the teachers and then joined Julia and David. I sat with Julia, helped her to calm down, telling her that she was safe, that we would pick her up after class, that even if Daddy was angry (something that she said) that Daddy loved her and could pick her up after class. She did agree to go with Erin, and they went outside. Later, they were joined by the rest of the new class and Julia did go into class with Erin when the class went back inside. I don't think she necessarily did anything in the class but we peeked into class at the end of the service and she was talking to Erin while the other kids were listening to one of the main teachers.

Yesterday, we went to a christening. After almost a month on GFCF eating, Julia ate wheat noodles and a few brownies. Do I blame the circumstances or the food? Could it really have been the food? How long does it take for food to cause a reaction? And how long does it take for that food to get out of her body?

Oh, I feel like such a amateur! Constantly.

Julia's behavior knocked me for a loop, and I was in a funk all day. If it was not the food, we have not come as far as I thought.

1 comment:

86aussie said...

Its so hard when our dear ones act in a way we don't understand. I find my girls will do the same thing and later I find it to be something I overlooked, like not getting enough rest, or too many out of normal events. I hope you find a way to work things out for the best!

and thank you so kindly for your comments of support!