24 December 2009

Julia slept late this morning, almost until 7:30, and we are letting David sleep a bit later. David has off today, which I forgot and which is great! My only tasks today are to shovel/blow snow, shop for some food, and clean up the house. We have a family church service at 3 and I am hoping that Julia enjoys the singing. We have had a few episodes of standing around our tree and singing the Whoville Christmas song tht we never know all the words too. It is both very dear and really silly.

David was not feeling great yesterday, and the only time I have felt so compulsive about health was when Cheshire was a new born. Every sneeze and cough brings a gulp of fear -- This waiting may go on for months or a year. Waiting is exhausting. And I am not the one getting the heart!

Julia has become even more of a mother focused person than she has been. She still prefers Daddy to put her to bed, any night , every night. But I am her go to person all the rest of the time. Yesterday, I spent a lot of her therapy time upstairs wrapping presents and Julia didn't like that. She didn't bother me or continually knock on the door, but she was very happy to see me when I came downstairs and was much more responsive to me than she was to her therapists. We played a game together. I've noticed that Julia asks me to play with her more often, and trusts me to tell her what to do -- well, at least sometimes. We spent an hour outside yesterday, shoveling, walking the dog, and then playing in the snow. We made our first snowman -- a table top version. He is very cool but the snow has mostly covered him before I got to take a picture.

The snow is very wet and slushy today, but I will not complain at all. It is warmer today and I hope it keeps up through tomorrow so that Cheshire can fly in from NYC. I am intending an easy travel day for my girl.

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