05 October 2009

Home on Monday

The nose is running, the coughs are wracking the little chest -- Julia is staying home. She slept until 7:30 and those three were reason enough to keep her home, but now how to I keep her quiet. I wonder if one day Julia will heal enough to be able to take a nap during the day and relax when she needs to. Right now, she is captured by Bill Nye the science guy on PBS who is talking about volcanos. She loves the idea of lava - Someday, we will take her to Costa Rica to see a volcano up close and walk on some cooled lava.

A little later: We have cancelled everything for the day! The folks at Middleton Rehab where Julia goes for OT said that if she came in, she'd have to wear a mask and they preferred she did not come. So, I cancelled. And then, on to our intensive therapy, and decided to cancel there as well. So, we are inside and not doing much at all on a sunny day. Hopefully, I will get my project cap in gear and we'll have some fun this afternoon.

Still later: Julia and I did a bit of house work. For her it was cleaning up toys. No easy task. She put away the puzzles she has worked on over the past weekend, and did not complain about taking them apart which surprised me. She finally understands how I have divided her toys and how my bin system works. Of course, I set it up after watching what she played with -- so certain cars and trucks go into the animal bin because those vehicles are always part of the jungle.

We we are finished with cleaning, and reading, and now on to some miso soup and apples and a movie. I am hoping that she lays down and dozes.

And again later, David is home and putting Julia to bed. She is feeling better and should go school tomorrow. I am feeling worse. Uch! Nose is stuffed, throat is raw, whole body aches. Oh, I hope this is a cold. One more PTO email to work on and then to bed for me.

So far on Monday.


Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

Hope your sweetie feels better soon and I also hope that your day has been an easy and productive ride!

Adelaide Dupont said...

Sleep well, you two!

Hope she can go back to school tomorrow or the next day.

It was very interesting to hear that she likes Bill Nye, the Science Guy. Very classic, especially the idea of lava. He really is a good teacher.