16 October 2009

nature v. nurture

That child can make me laugh!

Last week, Julia came to me after being in the bathroom with a New Yorker magazine. She pointed to one of the comics and explained what it meant. She found it very funny, at least in her version. And actually, the caption put on the cartoon was not very good, IMHO; Julia's was a lot better.

This morning, after coffee and a scone with another power mom (really a very cool person) (and yes, this was a violation of my diet, but hell, I deserve it), I came home and went to the bathroom and there on the floor conspicuously placed on the floor in front of the toilet were two of Julia's books -- she was reading on the toilet when I wanted her to hurry up get to school on time.

This really makes me wonder about nature v. nurture - I mean, this is exactly like the rest of the family! Has Julia learned this from us?

I have been on the phone for two days trying to get appointments with the medical caregivers that I was referred to by the integrative medicine doc. When I called the doc in Sun Prairie who was supposed to be into integrative care for autism, I was told that he was not taking new patients. I am sure I sounded like I was going to cry (just stress, and not really about that doc) which may or may not have been good for a new relationship, but the receptionist took my message about Julia and my search for the right doc for her. I got a call back this morning from the doc's nurse that the doc would take Julia as a patient for primary care but would refer me to someone who I wanted to get to see for specific autism treatment. This and the cranial sacral OT who I have been referred to seems to put me exactly where I want to be! After a rough week, there seems to be an angel catching me, us. Yeah.

My task today -- the making of a brown bat costume.

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