03 October 2009

Pumpkins today

Julia and I visited a pumpkin patch this afternoon. The day was rainy and damp but this was the perfect weekend to go and it turned out to be good timing. Rain fell earlier in the day so the ground was muddy, but the clouds held tight for our entire visit. The rainy day meant fewer people and fewer lines, and more space for running around. If I remember correctly, when we've visited this pumpkin patch in previous years, there has been frost before our visit and pumpking were easy to find. Today, we had to walk into weeds as tall as Julia and hunt around to find pumpkins. It was fun! And Julia liked it more this year than last year and the year before. She was challenged penetrating the weeds but was good at looking for pumpkins and claiming her own. She was not crazy about carrying the dirty pumpkin to the wagon. She also didn't like the stem that was prickly, but she managed.

After we picked our pumpkins, we went to have a snack. There was not much that Julia could have (including the free ice cream. Such a shame!), but she had a hot dog and some chips. She wanted to have the hot dog in a bun, but I explained that I did not want her to eat the bun because it was not good for her thinking. She agreed to eat the hot dog plain. I don't think that Julia really understood that the gluten free diet is helping her, but I do think that she trusted me and took my direction without question. Julia trusts me! Julia trusts!


Snickerdoodle said...

Your "Julia trusts me" comment brought tears to my eyes!

Beautiful. Just beautiful!
Snick :)

Adelaide Dupont said...

Plain hot dogs are really terrific too.

(Sauces ... relishes ... mustard).

And the pumpkin-finding must have been really terrific too. (My English!)

It would all have been marvellous. Glad she sort of understood that the bun wouldn't be good for her thinking.

I still don't touch prickly stems. Pumpkin is fairly rarely grown in my part of the world, except for the butternut. We mostly see it cooked.