01 October 2009

Julia had a tough time in school today. For the first time this year, she tantrumed. Yes, I am turning nouns into verbs, but Julia's tantrums are such action words. From what I hear she managed to yell, stomp and scream for 20 minutes, and it seems to be connected with a new kind of work that the kids are assigned. I will find out about this work.

But truth be told, Julia has been inching towards tantrums all week, probably more like two weeks. Her behavior during OT this week was not good, she has been tough on her line therapists, and today, she spent almost a half hour in my arms, yelling, trying to cry. And tonight, going to bed, she was really fidgety and had a really hard time finding peace to fall asleep.

Someone on a GFCF yahoo board suggested tht I look at other foods, including soy and corn. Ach! But we have been eating more corn. I think that our soy has remained about the same and is pretty moderate at that.

Oh, I am tired. Time for bed.

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